Tyler Warren: Surfer Artist

Written by
David Bedwell
Surfer and artist Tyler Warren is a golden son



Photo by Rob Kulisek


As the surfer and artist Tyler Warren prepares for his upcoming gallery show, DIPPED, in his studio in Dana Point, California, one can only wonder how such a calm, genuine and truly “stoked” young man can carry such a high level of performance in everything he sets his mind to. His art, like the boards he shapes and the style in which he surfs, are  aggressive and beautifully classic.



Photo by Tyler Warren


Born into a lineage of artists, his great uncle was Roberto Montenegro Nervo, a Mexican painter who was a part of the Muralist movement in the 1920’s. And it’s no surprise that Tyler has a passion for turning his experiences and, as he calls it, his “dreams” into art. In a feature story for At Large Issue 4, Tyler tells contributing editor Chris Coté that, “as far as painting goes…my ideal painting would be a woman, I think they’re the most beautiful subject.” When speaking about his art the word flow is always somewhere in the conversation and the same is applied to his surfing and shaping. And that same “flow” can be found in the way he approaches life… Tyler is a wanderer, usually somewhere in the world where we all wish we could be. It’s the experiences and the “chase” that motivate him, and keep him happy. And every time I’ve talked to him or emailed with him he’s happy, and when the conversation ends so am I.



Photo by Tyler Warren


In Coté’s story “Wandering Between Worlds” for At Large, Chris gives us an in-depth look at Tyler, where he came from and, as much as can be determined, where he’s going. As he writes about his subject, he reminds us that “first appearances may fool you, but underneath his trademark floppy surf hat and grommet grin, there’s a worldly master craftsman.” Tyler Warren really does chase the muse.


Click here for Chris Coté’s story from Issue 04 “Wandering Between Worlds”